Answered By: Digital Library Services Team
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2022     Views: 570


Free, no login required


Google Scholar is a search engine that allows you to find scholarly literature such as theses, articles, abstracts and books.
It doesn't get you access to any full-text articles apart from free sources, but provides Find it! links to locate paid articles if we have access either electronically or in print. However, outside the University network you have to set up Manchester Metropolitan as your home library in the Google preferences (requires a Google account).
Video: Google and Google Scholar
Video: Using Find it! and Google Scholar

Full text availability

Find it! works with Google Scholar to help you check whether we have a book or article in the Library. On campus, Find it! links automatically appear in your Google Scholar search results. Links to Find it! appear as text rather than buttons, ie Find it! at MMU Library.
For off-campus use, you must complete the following steps to see the Find it! links:

  • Go to Google Scholar at
  • Go to Settings and choose Library Links
  • Enter Manchester Metropolitan University in the search box and click the Search button
  • You should see a check box appear with Manchester Metropolitan University (Find It at MMU Library) next to it. Make sure this box has a tick in it
  • Save Preferences

Please note: the presence of a Find It! link by a search result is not a guarantee that Manchester Metropolitan University​ has access to the full text.



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