On campus on a networked PC, you will be automatically recognised and logged in as soon as you use this Manchester Metropolitan University link to LawInSport
Off campus: You will need to follow this process:
- On the LawInSport website, click Subscribe
- Select the Free option
- You will then need to fill in a short registration form
- When prompted, ensure that you use your Manchester Met email address to sign up
- You will receive an authentication email - follow the link in the email to confirm your membership
- Although you now have a standard membership, because you have used you Manchester Met email address, your membership will be upgraded to a full membership in 24 hours
- You will receive a confirmation of this upgrade directly from LawInSport
- Check your spam/junk if you do not receive this notification within 24 hours
- Troubleshooting: If you are on campus or on a networked PC you do not need to log in and logging in will give an error message. Only use your personal log in when off campus or not on a networked PC
Knowledge hub and global community that provides expert analysis and commentary on the latest legal developments in sport. Access to articles, webinars and conferences, (membership includes attendance certificates).
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