Answered By: Digital Library Services Team
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2018     Views: 2318

This error is intermittent so only happens occasionally. You might get it when you are logging in to a Library database, eJournal or eBook.

You are generally logged in by the time it appears, so if you return to the page with the link you started from before you entered your login details, and click on that link again, you'll go straight through to the resource you were trying to access.

Don't just press the back button once though to return to that page, you'll get a different error, as the log in system will be trying to resend your log in information.

Instead go back to the page where you originally logged in to the resource. An easy way to do this is to click and hold the back button and go back to the page where you clicked to connect to the resource, this could be a link from the Library web site to a database or a link to an eJournal article on Library Search. 

Interested in what's causing the error? We think it is connected to a timeout in Shibboleth's connection to a back-end University system database. Shibboleth is a system the University uses to enable our users to log in to subscribed resources with their University ID and password. As the behind the scenes infrastructure at the University is replaced we believe this error will stop appearing.




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