Answered By: Digital Library Services Team Last Updated: May 31, 2020 Views: 253
Please note we do not subscribe to everything on the Science Direct website. You can double check that we have access to a journal using the eJournal A-Z list this is a list of all our eJournals.
However if the link you are using is on a reading list or Library Search, it is likely that the problem is caused by a known issue.
Current problem with linking to articles on the Science Direct platform.
Workaround 1
- Go to the A-Z database list
- Click Science Direct
- If you are off campus you may need to also log in via the usual Manchester Metropolitan University Sign in page
- Check it says "Brought to you my Manchester Metropolitan University"
- Navigate to the journal you require
Workaround 2
On the Science Direct website, if you are logged in correctly there should be a message, near the top right of the page saying "Brought to you by the Manchester Metropolitan University" if it does not say this but says "You have Guest access to ScienceDirect find out more", please follow these steps:
- Click Sign in (near top right of page)
- Click Other institution login
- Underneath the heading, Search for your institution and click the name to login, type Manchester Metropolitan University. Science Direct should display one result for Manchester Metropolitan, just below the box, click on this.
- If you are off campus you may also need to log in via the Manchester metropolitan University Sign in page
(If you can't see a listn of institutions, you can use the option to choose your institution's region or group... Select UK Access Management Federation, from the option to select your region or group, you'll need to click on the little black triangle to open the list fully as UK is near the bottom. Choose Manchester Metropolitan University from the list. If you are off campus you will also need to log in via the Manchester Met Sign in page
Keep checking the top right of the screen, you're logged in if it mentions your name (if you'd previously signed up to use Science Direct's personalisation features) or you can see the "brought to you by Manchester Metropolitan University" message.
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